MHS Opera Club Informational

Gloria Lee, Staff Writer

A place for musicians or classical music enthusiasts, the new Opera Club is a great opportunity to experience this timeless musical genre with others who share in that enthusiasm.

Opera Club was started by Oliver Calder, ‘18, an avid clarinetist in Minnetonka Wind Ensemble. His love for operas was sparked by watching a Minnesota Opera performance of a 20th century version of Carmen.

Calder’s passion for operas inspired him to start Opera club to form a “collection of people who share a love of classical music.”

The club visits several operas per year and attends multiple Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra (SPCO) concerts, depending on members’ interests. One notable performance members saw together was the SPCO’s “Appalachian Spring,” in which musicians played from different places among the audience.

Opera Club meets on Wednesdays at 8:15 am. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join by being added by another group member or through the following GroupMe Link: