Using up Leftover Eggs from Easter: Three Recipes Sure to Please Anyone

Chaehyun Lee, Staff Writer

With the celebrations of spring that the end of April inevitably brings, many families head to the grocery store to buy eggs. According to AgHires, close to 180 million eggs are purchased each year for Easter festivities. While eggs are traditionally associated with the Easter holiday, they also symbolize the spring season. This protein-packed food is used in an assortment of egg-related activities, from decorating to using them as a prize for an egg hunt.

Tammy Picha, one of the MHS culinary teachers, said, “eggs contain pure protein, which is good for your health.”

Recently, eggs have become more popular among health experts as a source of protein that promotes heart health. Because of this approval, Americans have started consuming eggs at the highest rate since after World War II, reported The Washington Post.

Yet, even with their status as a healthy food, eggs are not universally liked.

Chloe Rieger, ‘22, said “I like eggs, but I just eat the whites. The yolks are kind of fatty.”

While yolks contain more fat than egg whites, they also have most of an egg’s nutrients, including lutein and zeaxanthin, which support eye and brain health.

To explore different uses for this versatile food, I found several recipes that use eggs as the main ingredient and tested the recipes at home.


This first recipe is called Gyeran-ppang, which is a warm street snack sold throughout South Korea. It is a sweet bread that has a whole cooked egg on top.


Photo courtesy of Chaehyun Lee


  1. Beat one egg.
  2. Add one pinch of salt and 20g of sugar. Keep stirring.
  3. Add 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract and 135g of milk.
  4. Add 125g of flour and 1 tsp of baking powder.
  5. Add 25g of melted butter.
  6. Fill approximately ½ of each muffin cup with batter.
  7. Crack one egg over top of the batter in the muffin tray.
  8. Add spice and chopped cheese to taste.


Jian bing guo zi is a traditional Chinese street food that looks like a crepe. It is a combination of flour, eggs and sauces.



Photo Courtesy of Chaehyun Lee

Jian Bing Guo Zi:

  1. Mix 150g flour and 50g mung bean flour, slowly adding water until a liquid batter forms.
  2. Brush oil on a hot pan.
  3. Spread one ladle of batter in the pan.
  4. Crack an egg over the spread batter.
  5. Spread the egg, sprinkle the chopped spring onion, turn off the heat.
  6. Flip the “pancake”  and brush sauce over (add two youtiao or fried crispy sheets if desired) .
  7. Wrap it and fold.


Eggs Benedict:

  1. To make hollandaise sauce: melt ¾ cup of butter for 3-4 mins
  2. Place three egg yolks and two teaspoons of water in a blender and blend.
  3. Slowly add the melted butter, 1 ½ teaspoon of lemon juice, ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper, and season with salt and pepper.
  4. To poach eight large eggs: fill a medium pot with three inches of water and add 1 tablespoon vinegar, a pinch of salt and bring to a simmer (don’t let water boil). Using spoon, stir the water in a clockwise motion. Repeat the process with remaining eggs. Gently crack the egg in the center of a pot and check the egg after four minutes. Lift the egg out of the water and feel the white for firmness. Set egg aside.
  5. Toast the English muffins until crisp golden brown.
  6. Cook the ham (or bacon) about six minutes.
  7. Place eight halves of English muffin on a plate and butter the top of each.
  8. Add a slice of ham or bacon and a poached egg.
  9. Spoon hollandaise sauce and sprinkle with chives, sea salt, and black pepper.