The Who’s Who of Breezes: Articles, Artists and Ads

Aileen Dosev, Editor-in-Chief

Staff Writers

Sabrina O’Brien

The Breezes Writing Staff write news articles, interview students and staff across the campus and community, and continue Minnetonka High School’s legacy of high quality student journalism. From feature articles about new teachers to essays on complex political issues, writers generate discussion about pertinent topics relating to the student body. Interested in supporting our publication? Writers commit to one article per month and three meetings with editing staff in Room 2420 after school.


Artists & Photographers

Sabrina O’Brien
Sabrina O’Brien

Art and photography are vital to Breezes. Not only does creative design add aesthetic appeal to the layout of a page, visual elements are essential to communicating a writer’s main message in a fun and intriguing way. Photography, art, and graphics really are worth a thousand words.

Artists and photographers work with digital applications such as Procreate, Autodesk Sketchbook, and Brushes Redux to create all forms of artwork. Adobe programs, especially Photoshop and Illustrator, are used to make colors pop, improve contrast, and more. Our Art Staff commits to one large piece of artwork and one check-in meeting per month. Communication and timeliness are essential.


Section Editors

Sabrina O’Brien
Sabrina O’Brien

Once both art and writing are created, Copy Editors adjust articles for grammar, tone, and general readability. Afterwards, Section Editors lay out finalized article copy on In-Design. For three days after school, editing staff combine image and text to create finalized pages for the printed edition of Breezes.

Recruitment for Section Editors begins in May. We seek highly motivated individuals with strong writing and grammar skills with a passion for serving the community through journalism. Breezes holds itself to high journalistic standards, however prior experience with journalism is not required. For more questions, please contact our Editor-in-Chief at [email protected].