Minnetonka High School's Student News

Minnetonka Breezes

Minnetonka High School's Student News

Minnetonka Breezes

Minnetonka High School's Student News

Minnetonka Breezes

May 2024 Backpage
May 2024 Backpage
May 31, 2024
That's a Wrap
May 31, 2024
To the Top!
May 31, 2024

Boys Swim & Dive: Champions in Competition and Community

The Boys Swim and Dive team has had a fantastic season, winning their conference title and achieving a massive victory at True Team State. Co-head coach John Bradley said that this season they dedicated a lot more time to sprint work and that they maxed out their meets, which most definitely paid off.

Bradley also stated that “The boys’ team culture is their greatest success. They are very positive and hardworking, and throughout practices they are supportive of each other and set great examples.”

These qualities, which are widely agreed upon among the athletes, and what could be described as “uniquely Minnetonka”
are what really makes this team the best of the best. Aiden Fine, ‘26, is competing in high school swimming this year for the first
time. He says the team is “supportive and collaborative,” and the captains are great at including everyone and making jokes to raise morale. According to him, “swimming is different from other sports because the team is so close-knit, and you can feel your progress. The coaches really care about each swimmer.”

Myonghai Choi, ‘24, a team captain this year, said: “I’m the proudest of the brotherhood we have. Even while being such a big team, we still are able to know each other as friends and brothers. We go out to eat often for our Weekly Wednesday Expedition and the team bonding is amazing.” He says that common traits found in the coaches and his teammates are that everyone is always “responsible and accountable.”

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Both Fine and Choi said that the trip to their meet in Grand Rapids really stood out, and the fun they had truly made it an unforgettable experience. Their final meet of the season, state, is at Jean K. Freeman Aquatics Center, February 29th through March 2nd. Come support the Skippers, and good luck to those competing. Go Tonka!

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