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Minnetonka High School's Student News

Minnetonka Breezes

Minnetonka High School's Student News

Minnetonka Breezes

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Skincare for the Win

While some overlook or underestimate it, skin care is an essential component of maintaining good health overall. If your skin is in good condition, it is more able to fight off irritatants such as allergens and microbes. Therefore, it is important to develop good habits early and be consistent throughout life. Nurse Rhonda Kullman in the MHS health office completely agrees, as she
stated that “it’s absolutely important to care for your skin, especially when it’s dry out.”

While it is necessary to protect your skin, some consider the elaborate skin-care products to be and expensive overkill. Having an extensive skincare regime means buying and replacing multiple products: finding the ones that work for your skin. However, it is not obligatory to buy pricey products or to use many at once. In fact, perhaps the most effective skin care routines are simple and consistent. The seven basics of skin care are as follows:

1. Cleansing: You should always wash your face to remove dirt and oil from the skin, which will pre-
vent breakouts. Cleansing products are also an option, and should be chosen based on your specific skin type;
dry, oily, or somewhere in between.

2. Moisturizing: Dry skin should be prevented with lotion and chapstick. Two of the most popular products for this are Aquaphor and Vaseline.

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3. Exfoliation: Removing dead skin is important in promoting new skin-cell production. It is important to not over-exfoliate which would in turn expose the skin to irritants.

4. Sunscreen: Protecting your face from exposure to the sun’s UV light is essential, even on cloudy days. Sun rays can damage skin and increase the risk of skin cancer, so sunscreen should be worn every day.

5. Healthy diet: Did you know that your diet impacts your skin’s health? It’s important to eat a variety of food, especially fruits and vegetables, to absorb the nutrients and vitamins that promote healthier skin.

6. Hydration: Drinking enough water is key to keeping skin healthy. In order to prevent the wrinkles and dry skin that can come with dehydration, you should drink at least two liters of water a day.

7. Sleep: A lack of sleep, here meaning less than eight to ten hours a night, prevents skin from rejuvenating. Also, dark circles occur under the eyes and blood vessels become darker in color and show through the skin.

All of these practices promote healthy, beautiful skin, and utilizing them consistently is the most effective method to achieve long-term results. Caden Anderson, ‘24, says that the most common misconceptions about skincare that bugs her is that “skin-
care is considered ‘girly,’ when it shouldn’t be because everybody can have good skin.” Skincare is not ‘girly,’ it’s just healthy, so consider the benefits of taking care of your skin and putting your health first. Skincare for the win.

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