Minnetonka High School's Student News

Minnetonka Breezes

Minnetonka High School's Student News

Minnetonka Breezes

Minnetonka High School's Student News

Minnetonka Breezes

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May 31, 2024
That's a Wrap
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To the Top!
May 31, 2024

Skippers After Hours

After the packed halls and stuffed classrooms are cleared for the day as classes come to a close, where do the Skippers go? The Port, South Bay, Marina, and Boardwalk are all various maritime locations, but here at MHS they serve as a few of the academic and social hotspots for many students. In addition to the many clubs, sports, and groups that students attend after school, many stay in these collaborative spots to get some work done; others just wait to be picked up or hang out with friends.

Saloni Siddavatam, ‘26, says that she does “a lot of studying within school.” She also states that her choice of study space in the school depends on the time of day and what she needs to get done. “If it’s before a test I like to study in The Port.” Siddavatam also notes the rush before school in the commons and other social spaces, which makes studying much more difficult. She enjoys the peace and quiet that The Port has to offer when she needs to focus. Her love for The Port remains, but she is unable to access this space after school. During this time, Siddavatam enjoys hanging out in the South Bay for the abundance of natural sunlight that she says “really energizes [her].”

The importance of natural sunlight is a common theme across many studying Skippers, with 3 in 5 students saying that having a big window with lots of natural light is crucial to having a good study spot. Many students also note that having lots of distractions while studying is a no-go. Keona Laurence, ’26, shares that she will “throw [her] phone across the room” to focus better. She also states that one way to stay focused and on task is by timing herself, and alloting 1 hour for each task.

While some students choose to work in collaborative spaces after school, others can’t wait to get home. Elin Johnson, ‘26, says that she “get[s] out of here because [she’s] already here long enough.” Johnson also notes that she does her homework at her desk, in her room to limit distractions. Meyer Lengeling, ‘26, also does his homework at his desk, but says that he does it there because “it’s easier to organize things on the desk” and working at his desk every day gives him a routine that helps him “focus better.” Lengeling also notes that when he gets his license, he is excited to do work at a cafe where he can pretend that “people are expecting [him] to do [his] work.”

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Whether you decide to work at school, at home, or at a cafe, always make sure to limit distractions and to let in some natural sunlight.

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