Minnetonka High School's Student News

Minnetonka Breezes

Minnetonka High School's Student News

Minnetonka Breezes

Minnetonka High School's Student News

Minnetonka Breezes

Celebrating Two New Years: Welcoming the New Year in South Korea

Celebrating Two New Years: Welcoming the New Year in South Korea

Chahyun Lee, Staff Writer February 27, 2019
New Years celebrations herald new beginning, while also marking the successful finish of the previous year. It’s a time for people to remember past memories and also to refresh for a new start.
Sarah Finn-Sommerfield, a Noteworthy Teacher

Sarah Finn-Sommerfield, a Noteworthy Teacher

Anna Geldert, Staff Writer February 20, 2019
This month, we take a break from typical student life stories to highlight one of Minnetonka High School’s favorite teachers: Sarah Finn-Sommerfeld. Ms. Finn-Sommerfeld, known to most as Ms. Finn, or simply “Finn,” has taught orchestra in the Minnetonka district for fourteen years. Over the years, she has become an important figure in the lives of hundreds of orchestra students.
Bringing Creativity to Our Walls: The Artistic Murals Across Minnetonka

Bringing Creativity to Our Walls: The Artistic Murals Across Minnetonka

Anna Geldert, Staff Writer December 21, 2018
In the silo, a scientist mixes chemicals in a lab while a frog sits on a branch. On the staircase, a boat floats peacefully in a harbor. At Minnetonka, murals are a part of our lives from the moment we step foot in the building.
What Makes South Korean Snack Foods Different From American Snacks

What Makes South Korean Snack Foods Different From American Snacks

Chaehyun Lee, Staff Writer December 21, 2018
People across the world love to eat snacks. Some snacks are universal, like chocolate, chips, jelly, and popcorn. However, most countries have their own unique snacks.
The Long Process of Commiting to a College: Behind the Critical Decision

The Long Process of Commiting to a College: Behind the Critical Decision

Emma Ostrom, Staff Writer December 21, 2018
Friday, December 7th, was the first Coffeehouse of the school year, and it’s safe to say it was a success. Students displayed all kinds of musical talent from singing to saxophone and accordion playing. Those who attended were engaged, enthusiastic, and inclined to agree it was a great night. The students running the event were quick on their feet, keeping the everything running smoothly. It is evident that a lot of hard work went into that night. So how do they plan a successful coffeehouse?
First Minnetonka High School Coffeehouse of Year a Resounding Success

First Minnetonka High School Coffeehouse of Year a Resounding Success

Leyden Streed, Staff Writer December 21, 2018
Friday, December 7th, was the first Coffeehouse of the school year, and it’s safe to say it was a success. Students displayed all kinds of musical talent from singing to saxophone and accordion playing. Those who attended were engaged, enthusiastic, and inclined to agree it was a great night. The students running the event were quick on their feet, keeping the everything running smoothly. It is evident that a lot of hard work went into that night. So how do they plan a successful coffeehouse?
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