Minnetonka High School's Student News

Minnetonka Breezes

Minnetonka High School's Student News

Minnetonka Breezes

Minnetonka High School's Student News

Minnetonka Breezes

May 2024 Backpage
May 2024 Backpage
May 31, 2024
That's a Wrap
May 31, 2024
To the Top!
May 31, 2024

Tips for Incoming Seniors

  • Live in the moment
    • Don’t spend all your time worrying about the future and college apps. This year is supposed to be a fun final year of your k-12 education. 
  • Better to get those college apps in sooner than later
    • “It’s good to think about the future and not wait until the last minute to turn in applications…It can make a difference to colleges and it will feel less rushed.” – Autumn Eversman, “23’Plus the essays will be better when more time is spent on it and it’s more about the quality than finishing it in time for the deadline. 
  • Take a break
    • “First semester of senior year is tough, but after that it’s downhill. All the applications are turned in and now it’s only a waiting game, so relax, have fun, don’t spend too much time worrying about what will happen and focus on what is happening.” – Autumn Eversman, 23’
  • Go to the beat of your own drum
    • It’s your last year of high school. “Do what you want to do next year, not what’s expected of you from your friends and family.” If anyone’s judging you, screw them. 
  • Keep an open mind
    • Flexibility is key for this year. Circumstances change, be willing to change with them. 

“Get comfortable asking for help. When you notice things are difficult, ask for help instead of shutting down. Asking for help is hard, and you deserve to be happy.” – Mrs. McWhirter It’s a life skill I hope all of our students learn as early as possible

Challenge 1 options: Go to zero hour to talk to a teacher about a difficult assignment. We are here for you.

  1. Shadow people who work in careers you are interested in. You might love the job, but will you love the life your joballows you to have?
  1. Try new activities to see what feels like “you.” Feeling like yourself is the most magical feeling.
  2. Make decisions based on what will make you happy. Crafting your future is not a competition, and the only collegeor career ranking that matters is what you prefer!
  1. Ask for letters of recommendation at least a month before your college deadlines. Teachers and staff need extratime to write these letters, and we care about writing these in a way that paints you in the best possible light. Nobodywants a quickly written letter of recommendation, or hearing that your teacher is too busy to write your letter!

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