Santa and snow?


Sam Zattera, Commentary Editor

The holiday season has rolled around again, and whether that fact excites or annoys you, it can’t be denied. But so far this year the holidays have failed to bring the snow with them. Take one glance out the window and find yourself overlooking a gray and dreary landscape, but why does this matter? For many, it doesn’t. In fact to them the lack of snow is a blessing. However, to others of us hardy Minnesotans, it is a sign of a poor season. There is just something wrong with seeing Christmas lights above a snowless yard, but why?

It’s easy to just say that we are creatures of habit and the fact that there isn’t snow where there generally is throws us off. However, this does not explain why people who grew up celebrating without snow still value the idea of a “white Christmas”. Snow and Christmas have been associated since long before anyone of us can remember, but why? Nowhere in the bible does it specify that it was snowing the day Jesus was born, so it would appear that this connection does not come from the holiday’s religious roots. Logically, it can be assumed that it sprouted from the more commercialized idea of Christmas as we know it now: with Santa Claus, presents, and missile toe. However, that only leads to the question of why does Santa have to be from the North Pole and why, if he is, does his originating where there is snow mean that we need to experience it ourselves? The fact is that our connection between snow and the holidays does not make complete sense. In reality it is just one of those traditions that people have with no idea why they have it.

This idea brings into question the validity of our other holiday traditions. Why has the symbol of Easter become a rabbit? Why do we dress up for Halloween? Why do we do nothing to celebrate Columbus Day? Many people do not celebrate these holidays at all, but everyone can think of traditions they do partake in that logically seem to come from nowhere. They are crazy and odd, but year after year we continue in them, as we always have, but this time we don’t get a say in the matter. So whilst those of you who celebrate Christmas are looking out your windows on Friday morning, remind yourself that the lack of snow does not have to mean a lack of season, and that of all the traditions you could possibly find yourself without, you’ve awoken to the warmest.