Staying Positive During the Oncoming Winter Amid the Pandemic

Sara Pender, Staff Writer

As the number of COVID-19 cases continues to rise, finding activities to keep occupied may become more difficult as the winter and a second quarantine loom. Many took up interesting new activities throughout quarantine to keep their minds off of the dark situation. Some hobbies included baking bread, folding origami and knitting. When the winter comes, it will be more difficult to see friends and family outside given the dropping temperatures and the gorgeous, yet cold, snow. Although Zoom and FaceTime calls may be a helpful alternative for some, others fall into a seasonal depression-like state when they lose in-person contact with people. 

When asked how the pandemic and quarantine has affected her, Zhou Benson,’22, said, “the pandemic has taken away a lot of our activities in which our strong student body would likely participate in and it also stripped me from the traditional first day of school experience. Having the ability to spend quality time with my family has been quite a blessing in disguise.” 

Helen Holmstrom,’22, had a similar response. She said that “Quarantine has allowed [her] to have more time for [herself] and [she] have more time to do things [she] enjoy[s].” 

As winter comes up and the second round of quarantine begins, Holmstrom said that “As students, we need to keep everything in perspective and keep in mind that this is just a temporary thing that we will get through.” 

Similarly, Zhou said that “The students at Minnetonka High School are strong and resilient and can for sure make it through this.” 

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) stated in the article “Coping with Stress” that “Taking care of your friends and your family can be a stress reliever, but it should be balanced with care for yourself.” 

Holmstrom recommended that the MHS community stay positive: “I think everyone should have a strong group they can talk to and have an outlet to be happy and light -hearted.” 

“Make sure you are taking the time to prioritize yourself and your mental health,” added Zhou.

The CDC recommends that, during this time, people should “Take deep breaths, stretch or meditate, try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep, and avoid excessive alcohol and drug use.” 

When asked about fun quarantine activities, , Zhou recommended that others try “a virtual game night or a virtual movie night.” 

Holmstrom said that people should try “an activity that makes you remember that everything is going to be fine,” which is important in times like these.

There are lots of activities that can keep MHS students sane and positive despite the difficult times and minimal in-person gatherings. 

For example, they might try making jam, taking up sewing, trying to draw, learning a new language, or maybe even fostering an animal. These small ideas could spark an exciting new hobby or, at the very least, give students something to focus on other than the difficult rut the world has found itself in. Although these times are historic, they are still dark, and everyone should be looking for ways to stay safe.