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Minnetonka Breezes

Minnetonka High School's Student News

Minnetonka Breezes

Minnetonka High School's Student News

Minnetonka Breezes

Dude, let’s play CoD

Dude, lets play CoD

I’m not writing this to review the new edition of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (it’s sick) or to argue why it’s better than Battlefield 3 (it is) but to simply discuss the obsession that is Call of Duty (CoD). For many of us bros CoD has taken over a significant part of our young, immature, teenage lives. The only thing that has distracted us lately is the beginning of the pond hockey season. I’m not saying I haven’t done any homework in the last month, but let’s just say if I spent as much time on school as I do Call of Duty I would be going to MIT. When the new edition came out in November, I officially commenced my senior slide. I’m not a mega hardcore gamer by any means, but I pay my dues; I “answered the call.”  I had some all night sleepovers with the crew where I woke up in the morning with a controller still in my hands and remembered vague dreams where I repeatedly chucked throwing knives into walls and killed myself.

For those who don’t really play CoD  (most girls), I want to do my best to explain what makes it so flippin’ sick man. It’s not because it’s violent, or gory, or has really sick dudes with names like “Frost”, “Ghost” or “Soap.” In my opinion it’s awesome because it’s just mindless fun. You don’t think about school, or work, or that one girl who sits next to you in math class. It’s just a bro and his Xbox trying to earn his way up the leaderboards. I know a lot of bros who get super into the game and really work on a getting a great KD (kill/death ratio), and it really becomes a big time hobby for them. I fit into a more casual player style, along with a lot of the other dudes at school. It’s a fun game to play when you’ve got a bunch of dudes hanging out at your house. Right now it really comes in handy when you’re all sore from a long night of pond and you want to relax.

You can’t really say that CoD.has any health benefits, or stimulates your brain much, or helps you score with the chicks, but I think that’s why it’s so addicting. From those quick half hour sessions to twelve hour all-nighters you’re not really doing anything that matters. CoD is just a fun way to escape. CoD is sick. Forget  that new episode of whatever or that AP/IB (fill in the blank) essay, I’m going to hit up Xbox Live with my bros.

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