Catchin’ Zzz

Catchin Zzz

*In Elementary School*

Boy: I went to sleep at 11 last night.

Girl: Wow! That’s so late! How did you do it?!

*In Middle School*

Boy: I went to sleep at 11 last night.

Girl: Wimp! I slept at 12.

*In High School*

Boy: I went to sleep at 11 last night.

Girl: Lucky! I wish I went to sleep at 11.

*In College*

Girl: I went to sleep at 11 last night.

Boy: How is that even possible?!


Sleep is an important part of our lives. Unfortunately as high school students, we often don’t get enough of it. Instead we stay up late cramming for that important math test you’ve pushed off studying for 3 weeks or we hang with some friends into the ungodly hours of the night. Nonetheless, let’s take a look at the stages of the infamous “all-nighter” from a student’s point of view. Don’t lie, you’ve done this.


Stage 1: It’s still early.

Ah, that’s the procrastinating spirit. It’s 8 p.m. and you still haven’t started that 5-page essay assigned 2 weeks ago. What’s the prompt again? Suddenly videos of cats blowing on bubbles become the most interesting thing on earth.


Stage 2: Let’s get down to business! To defeat…this essay.

It’s 10 p.m. and the panic motivates you to start. You get all your studying supplies together at your desk. Pencils, pens, paper, and a mountain of books. You type your name and that’s enough for now, right? Time for a 20 minute break. After, your eyes feel heavy so you grab a quick cup of coffee and you work on!


Stage 3: It’s midnight.

Since 10 p.m., you’ve had 2 breakdowns, gone on one safari endeavor for food, and have burned through all the inspirational movie speeches on Youtube. But you’re half way done! You can do this. However, this is when your body is used to falling into REM sleep. Coffee is not working anymore, but you push on through.


Stage 4: Almost done; almost dead

You need a conclusion. But that’s something you can whip up before class. You lay your head down on your pillow. It’s SO soft. As you begin to doze off, your evil alarm sounds, reminding you it’s time to wake up for school. You struggle out of bed and your all-nighter is complete.