Celebrating spring (and possibly dealing with college rejection) for the outdoorsy and animal-loving.

Celebrating spring (and possibly dealing with college rejection) for the outdoorsy and animal-loving.

Charlotte K, Copy Editor

Last week I was riding my horse in a tank-top and today I’m pulling on my snow pants; but nevertheless, spring is here––or it will be again after this snow melts in a few days. With spring, our seniors are receiving most college decisions this week––and I can tell you, it’s rough. But I’ve given up on worrying and being anxious; instead, I’ve decided to just revel in the joys of spring. Here are some of my ideas:

  • You know that big cottonwood tree on Old Excelsior Boulevard, the one on the right side of the road if you’re driving west towards the school? The HUGE one? Go give it a hug. Seriously. It is a majestic being.
  • Hug your animals. Slice up some apples for your rabbit; make a catnip toy for your cat; perhaps cut up some fruit for your bearded dragon or let your snake out for a slither around the room. You are everything to your pets––show them how much you appreciate them.
  • Go to a dog park. If you don’t have a dog, go with a friend who has a dog. If you don’t have a friend with a dog, there’s something seriously wrong with your life. Nothing says spring like puppies covered in mud and grime.
  • Have a bonfire––the wood is finally drying out, so renew that fire-permit and have at it. Bonus: you can burn rejection letters––all those colleges that rejected you don’t deserve you anyway.
  • My personal favourite way to cope with rejection letters/springtime testing is to blast Disney music from my truck with the windows open. Singing along brings me right back to my childhood, and I’m a sucker for nostalgia. Nothing is more comforting than pretending you’re four for a few hours.
  • On that note, go visit your old childhood haunts. Climb that tree you used to hide in, or visit the fort out in the woods you made. Leave your phone behind and just be little again. It’s a good time.
  • Last but not least, grab a good book and curl up with your pets outside or in your bed with the window open. There’s nothing like catapulting yourself into another world to help deal with all the stress that comes with spring.


So all, do not fret. Spring Break (yes, that warrants caps) is nearly here. School will be stressful; colleges will make decisions; and we will sit here and revel in spring. What else can we do?