Minnetonka High School's Student News

Minnetonka Breezes

Minnetonka High School's Student News

Minnetonka Breezes

Minnetonka High School's Student News

Minnetonka Breezes

The Sauna Renaissance
The Sauna Renaissance
March 22, 2024
Lets Talk Protein
Let's Talk Protein
March 22, 2024
Phenomenal Festivities
Phenomenal Festivities
March 22, 2024

“Remember when?”

Remember when?

Walking through the halls of our high school, it is striking just how different I am from the rest of the student body. Being a tall guy, I tower over almost everybody in the school, but I must say, the students of Minnetonka have fantastic scalps. Grade A crowns and some phenomenal hair-parts. In addition, I usually sport a beard beyond my years, because I’m just too lazy to shave. And, I am so ginger it hurts sometimes. (Seriously, I get some killer sunburns.)

However, with that said, just look, something we all have in common— good hair. And, as I think more about it, that sure as heck isn’t the only thing we, students of Minnetonka, have in common. I bet every single student has freaked about a test. I am certain every student has waited until the night before to start an essay. Everyone has that one embarrassing moment that you’re just unable to live down. (The time I spilled pasta on myself in the lunch line. Meat sauce all over my pants. In the awkward places. Everyone stared. Actually scarring. Let’s just move on.) I know we all smiled when we found the digital clock over the new bridge in the Commons, because thank god I don’t have to read another analog clock. I’m sure we’ve all spent too much time on Facebook, and I am sure, really sure, I could list things forever.

I know I grab onto anything that makes me stick out, and never give it up, which sometimes feels like the only way to get by in this giant school. However, it’s the shared experiences within this school that make up what matters. And what matters is this: We are all one school. There is no way we know everyone, or are friends with everyone we know. In fact, you might not be able to stand the person right next to you as you read this, but keep your eyes on the page, you should be fine.

Please, don’t let that get in the way. Yes, our school is a massive student body full of people you know and people you don’t. There are best friends, and people you will see the first time at graduation. So, take advantage of it. If you want to meet new people, you have tons of options. If you want to be someplace where nobody knows who you are, just be alone and gather yourself, walk into the Commons before second hour—you’ll be one nameless face in a crowd of hundreds.

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But, that isn’t all. Being part of such a huge student body comprised of three thousand individuals, there’s a certain sort of magic. If you’ve ever been to the Homecoming football game, you know what I am talking about. Just seeing the entire student body dressed in blue and white, screaming their heads off for our team, and being a part of it, is daunting yet awe-inspiring in the sheer strength of spirit.

Make sure to appreciate it. Buy into it. Believe in our school. Actually go to sporting events, dress up for the dress up days (I promise, it’s fun), donate to the class competition charities, see a band concert (Seriously). Just take it all in. High school comes only once, so treasure it. You aren’t close with everyone, and you don’t know everyone, but this is the one thing that even fifty years down the line, like it or not, you’ll have. The time is yours; make it worth something.


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